Purpose: STA (stavec),Y to any bank
Call address: $FF77 (hex) 65399 (decimal)
Registers: .A = data .X = bank (0-15) .Y = index Memory: setup indirect vector setup STAVEC ($2B9) pointer Flags: none Calls: noneResults:
Registers: .X used Memory: changed per call Flags: status invalid
Description: INDSTA enables applications to write data to any other bank. After you set up STAVEC ($2B9), it calls GETCFG to convert the bank number and JMPs to code in common (shared) RAM at $2AF which switches banks, stores the data, restores your bank, and returns. When calling a nonsystem bank, the user should take necessary precautions to ensure that interrupts (IRQ's and NMI's) will be handled properly (or disabled beforehand).
LDA #$00 ;setup write to $2000 STA $FA LDA #$20 STA $FB LDA #$FA STA $2B9 LDA data LDX #$01 ;in bank 1 LDY #$00 JSR $FF77 ;STA ($FA,RAM 1),Y