Purpose: Initialize and copy indirects
Call address: $FF8D (hex) 65421 (decimal)
Registers: .X = adr (low) of user list .Y = adr (high) of user list Memory: system map Flags: .C = 0 -> load Kernal vectors .C = 1 -> copy Kernal vectors Calls: noneResults:
Registers: .A used .Y used Memory: as per call Flags: none
Description: VECTOR reads or writes the Kernal RAM indirect vectors.
Calling VECTOR with the carry status set stores the current contents of the indirect vectors to
the RAM address passed in the .X and .Y registers (to the current RAM bank).
Calling VECTOR with the carry status clear updates the Kernal indirect vectors
from the user list passed in the .X and .Y registers (from the current RAM bank).
Interrupts (IRQ and NMI) should be disabled when updating the indirects. See also
the RESTOR call
LDX #save_lo LDY #save_hi SEC JSR $FF87 ;copy indirects to "save"