A help for importing sprites, tiles and bitmaps into your CommanderX16 application. Be sure to select the correct number of bits per pixel.
The palette in CX16 is not altered so to get correct colors, use one of the palettes supplied below.
Use it like this:
If you are using ACME assembler, you can inlude a binary file like this:
_mytiles: !bin "mytiles.bin"
But then you should probably leave the address field empty.
Remember that you need to copy the data to VRAM, otherwise VERA can't access it.
If you use SETLFS,SETNAM,LOAD to load the binary data directly to VRAM, you must
enter a value in the address field even if you are not going to use it.
Every byte in the binary file contains two pixels (4bpp = 4 bits per pixel). Example:
If you have made a series of tiles that are 16x16 pixels, every tile will be (16x16)/2 = 128 bytes.
This means that the second tile can be addressed at _mytiles+128, the third at _mytiles+256 and so forth.
Conversion routine is a rewrite of the .net application found at https://github.com/joolin1/CommanderX16/.